The past and the present

Long before the Schram family began producing wine in the Moselle valley in the early 1900s, the Romans of antiquity had already discovered the rich landscape around Bech-Kleinmacher for the same purpose, as evidenced by a reconstructed Roman burial chamber in the hills above the village. Traces of the region's rich history can be found all along the Moselle.

Working the same terroir and " climate " - soil, exposure, air, water - as the first winegrowers, the Schram family transferred their cellars to Bech-Kleinmacher in 1960. Known for its long tradition of winemaking and surrounded by the steep slopes of the local vineyards, Bech-Kleinmacher has been the home of Domaine Schram ever since. All of the estate's vineyards are within 4 km of their winery and cover approximately 14 hectares of rich and varied soils. Domaine Schram & Fils, founded in 1951, could not have chosen a better location for its home.


Today, Max and Ben Schram run the estate with dedication to the craft and art of winemaking. Like their ancestors, they produce pure, high-quality wines where every step of the production process is carried out with the utmost care. Their daily work in the fields and cellars has a vital impact on the quality of the wines. As young winemakers, they are used to combining proven methods with modern machinery and technology. Flexible in the way they operate, they adapt each grape variety to the specific soil, in order to produce wines of the highest quality and purity. The result is wines of great class, reflecting the typicity of each grape variety, their taste and richness. All wines and crémants are certified PDO.

“It is the delicate balance between tradition and modernity, which allows us to get the absolute best out of each grape.”

The land

Today the estate covers an area of approximately 14 hectares, all of which are located in the Moselle valley, which was already cultivated by the Romans many centuries ago. Since the earliest days of wine production, the Moselle Valley, with its mixture of schist, shell limestone (Muschelkalk) and especially Keuperian marl, has given rise to exceptional wines such as Riesling and Pinot Gris. Today, the Moselle Valley is known for its picturesque villages and famous vineyards that produce some of the best white wines in the world.

The culture

Today, Domaine Schram works the same land that the Romans once cultivated, to produce a wide variety of excellent, pure, characterful wines of the highest quality. They do this without herbicides, with the utmost care for the grapes and the wine throughout the winemaking process. At every stage, a modern and sustainable approach, that respects the environment and the quality of the wines, guides every decision at Domaine Schram.